Fuel Gas Treatment Systems

Fuel Gas Treatment Systems – Press. Reducing and metering station
Whether the gas shall be delivered to a GT (Gas Turbine) or it shall be delivered to an Industrial Plant, Metano Impianti has the right capability to provide the most suitable and complete solutions.
The configuration and complexity of the stations vary according to the quality of the gas required by the end user, but we are able to provide the most advisable units to filter, heat, pressure reduce and meter the gas.
We supply each section as a skid-mounted package: a ‘modular’ approach enabling time and costs to be minimized and site operations to be optimized.
The vane pack separator ensures high efficiency in the separation of liquid particles from a gas flow. As the gas flows through the vane pack, it is split into many different sections through which it is forced along paths with numerous changes in direction, thus causing the drops of liquid to strike the walls of the plates, agglomerating into larger drops and precipitating due to gravity. The drops thus collect at the bottom of the pack and flow towards the bottom of the separator
These devices have a separation efficiency of 99.5% for drops with a diameter of at least 8-10 microns. It remains such even at minimum gas flow rates close to zero up to the maximum rate laid down by the design parameters of the separator.
Metano Impianti vane packs are of compact type and are designed to guarantee an higher separation efficiency than the devices commonly available on the market.
The vane pack separator is normally vertical type; it is widely used in the separation/filtration stage at the inlet of fuel gas treatment plants and upstream of the gas turbines or turbo-compressors as a final protection for these machines.
The cyclone separator is designed to remove solid and liquid particles from a gas flow by effect of a centrifugal force.
The separating device is made up of a series of parallel cyclones through which the gas flows, thus causing the drops of liquid and solid particles to fall as they have a higher density than the gas.
This device normally has a separation efficiency of 100% of the drops/particles with a diameter of at least 8 microns.
This value only remains valid in a specific flow rate range defined on the basis of the design values of the separator and the efficiency required.
This separator requires no maintenance for cleaning, as the impurities precipitate to the bottom of the separator from which they may be drained.
The cartridge filter is used to remove solid particles from a gas flow.
The filtering elements consist of a set of cartridges made of fiberglass or other material arranged in a pack and are selected according to various parameters, which include the efficiency required, the pressure loss allowed and the type and quantity of impurities present in the gas.
The filtration efficiency of this device is 99.5% for solid particles with a diameter of at least 3 microns.
When fitted with special, coalescent cartridges, this filter may also be used to remove liquid particles. When this is the case, the liquid particles present in the gas in the form of mist are blocked by the fibers of the cartridges and agglomerate by coalescence into increasingly large drops which precipitate to the bottom of the filter due to gravity.
The filter separator is used to remove solid and liquid particles from a gas flow.
It has two filtration/separation stages: the first is made up of fiber glass cartridges or similar material, which block the solid impurities and cause the liquid particles to agglomerate into increasingly large drops. The drops fall into a collecting device due to gravity or, if they are carried by the gas flow, are removed at the second stage, where they are separated in a vane pack.
The liquids removed from the gas in the two sections of the device are collected in a boot where they are drained manually or automatically, according to the plant’s needs.
The filter separator is most efficient in separating solids and liquids, having an efficiency of 99.5% for drops with a diameter of at least 1 micron.
It may be installed in a vertical or horizontal configuration: this layout is particularly indicated if the gas contains large quantities of liquid.
The water bath heater consists of a cylindrical shell filled with water or a glycol water mixture. The heater heats the process gas indirectly via a coil/tube bundle immersed in a heated water bath.
The water bath is heated by one or more flame tubes immersed on the bottom of the heater. The flame tube transfers the heat created from the burner to the water.
The process gas flowing in the coil is heated by the circulating water through natural convection. An expansion tank situated above the heater compensates for the variations in density of the water that take place when the temperature of the bath changes.
The indirect heaters are specially designed for stations in which it is difficult to produce hot water or steam for heating gas.
They represent an optimum solution even when there is a power failure: Metano Impianti supplies heaters with a pneumatic control panel.
These devices may be designed with various kinds of forced ot natural draft burners, and various kinds of coils or a tube bundle to meet the specific process requirements.
To increase efficiency, there are various kinds of flame tubes with a single-tube or multi-tube return pipe. The combustion air pipe is complete with a flame trap and filter, if required.
Launching / Receiving Traps
The traps are designed for the launch and retrieval of pigs when cleaning, inspecting, calibrating and separating the pipelines.
Metano Impianti designs traps conforming to all international Codes and Standards.
They can be skid-mounted, complete with piping, valves, barred or special tees and instruments.
On request by the customer, the traps may be supplied with a pig signaller, a pig handling system (with a removable basket or cradle) and a lifting system.
Metano Impianti designs and manufactures “Jaws-type” quick-opening closures, with a manual hand wheel or pneumatic opening system conforming to the ASME or PED standards.
They can be mounted on the launching or receiving traps to allow the pig to be inserted or removed quickly, or on cartridge filters or filter separators to speed up cartridge replacement and facilitate filter maintenance.
On request, the quick-opening closure may be supplied complete with an “interlock system”.