Cooling Towers

Our companies offer a complete portfolio for the design, manufacture, and service of cooling towers, with components from 2H. Its spectrum includes small modular cooling towers (Kelvion – for smaller processes), field erected mechanical-draft cooling towers (FECT) and natural draft cooling towers for thermal power plants (ENEXIO – for larger processes). Both crossflow and counterflow principle can be used for FECT. Cooling towers can be manufactured from a wide range of materials that have proved their effectiveness in countless applications.The full spectrum is available. Models with in-situ concrete, pre-cast concrete parts, impregnated wood, steel, fiberglass reinforced plastic as well as combinations of these materials can be used.

ENEXIO natural draft cooling tower operates on the stack effect which causes the hot air in the tower to rise (natural draft). The necessary stack can be designed in various ways. For both technical and cost reasons, reinforced concrete structures have become standard to handle the high cooling water flow rates from increasingly large power generating units; including large size coal fired thermal power plants. Water flows up to 216.000 m3/h have been applied in this equipment.

ENEXIO field erected mechanical draft cooling towers (FECT) have been in use for approximately 60 years. In comparison to natural draft cooling tower types these kind of wet cooling towers get more and more interest because of their compact structure and less investment costs.
Depending on the application many structural materials are available for this product which allows a flexible design to satisfy process requirements and environmental conditions securing a maximum of flexibility and availability in operating customer´s plants. Both crossflow and counterflow principle can be used for FECT. Cooling towers can be manufactured from a wide range of materials that have proved their effectiveness in countless applications. The full spectrum is available. Models with in-situ concrete, pre-cast concrete parts, impregnated wood, steel, fiberglass reinforced plastic as well as combinations of these materials can be used.

Kelvion modular cooling tower system can be expanded and customized, and there are standard solutions available for various capacity requirements. This system is standardized to a great degree and has been adapted to a great number of customer wishes.
Around 80% is available as standard solutions, with the remaining 20% implemented as customized engineering. The factory preassembled modules are employed primarily for smaller projects, for which the customer enjoys significant cost advantages. The larger the project, on the other hand, the more effective are field-erected cooling towers.
Field of activity
As a specialist of cooling towers Kelvion has a very wide range of products, by reason of :
- over 40 years experience in the development, conception and manufacturing of cooling towers adapted to the needs of customers.
- control of every system and technology, useful for cooling towers, which allows Kelvion to design, optimize and manufacture the best solution.
- as a subsidiary of the Kelvion, whose international fame in the field of heat transfer and cooling towers is unrivalled, bringing therefore its assistance and its guarantee.
Therefore, Kelvion advises, designs and supplies the most suitable equipment to meet the special needs of each user.
Industrials means
Our attention to customer’s problems result from :
Many commercial agents and commercial engineers to follow up orders and projects.
Technical and research department :
- thermal and mechanical research,
- installation design,
- CAD/CAM system,
- test facility and research Kelvion
Experienced qualified manufacturing staff with :
- 25000 m2 factory, totally equipped with overhead cranes.
- punching, nibbling machines.
- modern welding equipment (automatic orbital pipe welding TIG)
- equipment specific to the manufacture of exchangers (bending machines with internal mandrels).
- integrated plant for surface treatment and polymerization.
- Hydraulic test facility.

Evaporative cooling towers are still considered the most efficient way of cooling process water at industrial sites all over the world. With economic and ecological factors always an important consideration, construction and operation of wet cooling towers necessitates the use of efficient fills and drift eliminators. As the pioneer of plastic components for cooling tower applications we help our customers to meet their requirements.