Circumix Ash Handling Systems

In this technology, fly ash and bottom/bed ash can be mixed with the necessary make-up water to produce homogenous dense slurry to be discharged to the ash disposal area by the dense slurry transport pumps.

ash handling system

Only homogenous dense slurry can effectively and trouble-freely be transported by pumping through pipelines.
If the appropriate homogeneity is ensured, all the advantages of pumping through pipelines can be exploited from transporting large particles, through low maintenance cost and power demand, long pump life-time to the even quality of the deposited material.

Circumix Dense Slurry

Homogenous dense slurry deposits have the achievable highest compressive strength and lowest hydraulic conductivity among the competing technologies, if the same feedstock materials are considered. As a consequence, the disposal site is characterized by dry, solid surfaces with no fugitive dust, low leachate rates with authority accepted leachate quality, easy maintenance and operation.

Circumix technology is the first and unique proven ash handling technology in the world which employs hydrodynamic mixing in order to maximize mixing efficiency and thus achieve outstanding slurry homogeneity and quality. In case of poor quality coal, Circumix Dense Slurry technology is practically the only solution for effective, economic, reliable and long life-time ash processing and disposal.

The Circumix DSS features several advantages:

  • Simple and reliable to operate
  • Wide range of control (also at partial load)
  • Continuous, trouble-free operation for over 4000-8000 hours between overhauls
  • Low operational and maintenance costs over the full technical life-time
  • System life-time over 15 – 20 years
  • Optimum water usage, low electrical power consumption, small pipeline diameters
  • In addition to fly ash (FA) and water, also bottom/bed ash (BA) – up to particle size of 15-25 mm (3/4” – 1”),  gypsum slurry from flue gas desulphurisation (FGD) plant and waste waters can be utilised by the system and disposed of in a safe way